Der internationale Verbund aus Forschern und Wissenschaftlern, EMF Scientist macht seit Jahren auf die Gesundheitsrisiken, die durch nicht ionisierte elektromagnetische Strahlung (Handystrahlung) für den Menschen entstehen. In einer Stellungnahme vom 18. August 2017, weist der Verein insbesondere auf den fahrlässigen Einsatz der neuen 5G Technologie, dessen Wirkung für Mensch und Umwelt nicht ausreichend erforscht wurde. Die Stellungnahme richtet sich direkt an das UN-Komitee mit der Forderung, seine Leitprinzipien „Schutz, Achtung und Abhilfe“ einzuhalten und den Schutz des Menschen an erster Stelle zu stellen. (August, 2017)
Statement by the Advisors to the International EMF Scientist Appeal
August 2017
In addition to the technological advancements that have been transforming the electrical power and telecommunications industry over the last few decades, we are now witnessing a new infrastructure deployment – 5th generation (5G) wireless broadband, and the Internet of Things – that promises to establish a globally connected world. Some parts of 5G will operate at much higher frequencies than before, into the millimetre range. This new infrastructure will be transmitting through the environment with a multitude of low powered micro-sensors (emitters and sensors).
There is scientific evidence to cause concern among independent scientists, that this new infrastructure, on top of existing electrical and wireless infrastructures, will cause more harm to mankind and nature. People who suffer from electrical sensitivity are facing the reality that they may have no place to go that is free from EMF hazards.
New U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, issued in June 2017, realize that “the human rights of all” are an important aspect to achieving the U.N’s Sustainable Development Goals. These principles hold that business and investment do not come at the cost of human rights, based on the three pillars of “Protect, Respect and Remedy”. The current practice of deploying new technologies, without first completing an investigation to ensure there is no possible harm, violates these principles.
We recommend that, in keeping with the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, to “Protect, Respect and Remedy”, 5G technologies must be subjected to an independent health and safety assessment before they are launched.